Monday, May 23, 2011


Don't you ever have one of those days when you feel like that success kid on memebase, everything you do has an extra bonus?

Well, I sure feel that way. On sunday, I was just going to write my story, then when I started writing, it turned out not to only be a cute anime pen, the ink turned out to be sparkly green!

I feel like a success kid. A lot of crazy stuff that's happened lately, has been sucessful. Another example, my best friend is being cheated on. No, this is not good news, but turns out, I was right about the guy. And that was only assumptions.

It's cool having so much sucess and luck when all your life, you haven't really gotten any.

I'm also not supposed to be on blogspot, but my teacher looked at my screen, saw I was quiet, and continued on. Maybe I'll go play some Sushi Cat.

I love life right now.

And I love you all.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What Happens Happens for a Reason, which involves Blue Sharpies and bruises.

One thing I have to say...Ouch.
Today, I was in a loving mood and decided ultimately to write with a permanent marker "FREE HUGS!"
Cool Idea, Right?
No, absoulte fail
  • First off, I did not have a random stranger hug me, which was a clear dissappoint.
  • Two, I asked my friend to write on my arm. Unfortunately, he seemed to get 'STAB' and 'GENTLY WRITE' mixed up and while writing, he 'stabbed' my bruises. It hurt to write and now I feel like I have annoying tattoos that have GIANT writing and cover half of my arm becuase it.
  • Three, I figured to stop the pain, I could wash it. Turns out, School Bathroom soap sucks and does not do so great while washing off teal Sharpie.
I also got really bored in class and decided to color my hair blue. It worked, and looks as great as ever! I never regret coloring my hair, because I can just easily wash it out and it looks cute for a bit. It also gives me ideas what to color my hair.
My friend told me that the color reminded him of Scott Pilgrim (Which may be the coolest movie of all time) and his american girlfriend, Romona Flowers, who seems to have a strange hobby of dying her hair crazy colors every one and a half weeks.
My sister decided to lecture me on this and how it is ruining my hair. I simply told her I don't even remember my own color anymore because I have dyed it so many times, which reminds me, I need to dye my hair.
Hmmm...I'm a honey brown-blonde right now. (Dirty Blonde) and want to not dye it blonde because it's too easy. I can't do eccentric colors either because of religous views (that's what highlighers were made for SMILEY FACE)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Interesting Days

Well, it has been very interesting since the last time since I've written.
Honestly, I've gone a little coo coo. 
It all started with "I like this guy."
Well, unfortunately, nothing has changed and I still like that guy...a lot. 
And it's actually a real live person. A breathing figure that seems to understand me. I'm almost happy about this. He likes the same stuff I do. He seems devoted and focused on what's right for him and his morals. 
Seems perfect, huh? 
There's one tiny fact I didn't put down. 
Our age span. I've always liked older guys. Younger guys were just too immature and hard to handle. In fact, they are hard to handle and not my style. I mean, look at the anime guys I like. They are somewhat older than me, and usually in my mind it's ok, but now that I view our age difference, I'm a bit uneasy. 
Well, ok, there's a ton of facts I didn't even bother to mention, like his name, etc. But of course, I'm here to just type and get it out of my system, not to share personal info. 

Besides that, things have gone well. I've dropped selling chocolates and transferred to cupcakes. I believe I sell them at a good price and I hope everyone enjoys them. Plus, I've gotten a ton of money, a ton of tips, and into a bit of trouble. 

 my French teacher looked at my delivery package and stared at me with caution. She said,
"Why do you bring cookies everyday?"
It was funny when my friend literally creeped across the room and said in a low voice,
"Director, can I have a cupcake? I have 50 cents."
The French class turned to me (everyone except my teacher.) and looked horrified as she paid me and I put the cupcakes in her hands. She crept back to her original spot and acted like nothing happened.


Love you guys for reading! 

Monday, November 29, 2010

Slooooooooooow days

Today, I woke up to making my alarm wake up again. This time, i was waiting for my alarm to wake me up. You know when you realize that you are slowly waiting for your alarm to wake you up because you know you will fall asleep because you know you will be sleeping again?

Well, unfortunatley, I woke up to that not happening.

I woke up to my sister kicking me. I turned to snarl at her. I had to use the bathroom, so i looked at our clock. 6:00. We were supposed to wake up forty minutes earlier. I knocked on my sister's door, and we had to run and drag ourselves to the car, which there was much snow on it.  We swept our car and drove to the freeway. But nooo! There had to an accident right then and there.

And it was a mild accident. some guy bumped into another and everyone had to see it. What's so interesting about THAT?

We were late to school, but i still played DDR (Dance Dance Revelution) with a guy who actually looks like a person who jumped out of my manga book.

It was fun. Turns out, I suck at Dance Dance Revelution regardless. it has been a while since I've played, and i did burn some calories, which is a good thing, by the way.

It's been exhausting, but it was fun at the end.

And now I am dying from DDR, and watching JUNO, and typing what should be an essay about Bill Gates, but my fingers slipped to the, erased it, and typed in and entered my Email, and here i am, doing a stupid blog post about Nothing about Thanksgiving, since it is over 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Not Happy

Usually, I am a kind, loving friendly person.

But not today

I lost my homework, forgot my field trip slip, and unfortunately couldn't go. People say I'm lucky, but hey, it is so much better than watching Wall E for a class period. It is a cold humor movie, and the real funny parts...aren't acutally that funny. I have no idea what had clicked into my teacher's mind that Wall E was a funny movie, because in that class, we are in the humor genre. I'm sorry if you love Wall E and do not like the fact that it only made my day a lot worse.

Then my computer decided to be stupid. After spending about an hour working on that beautiful project, my teacher told me to save it since that stupid document wouldn't print. I also ripped the stupid cord out of that darned moniter as I almost shook the screen when I found out that I had lost all that document. Unfortunately, it wasn't a good thing, and now I must restart it. :'(

UGH! I hate these days.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Welcome Back

Yes, welcome back, Director. I was busy running errands across the galexy. It was a crazy week!

Okay, I went to go to Shibuya, Japan and joined the Reapers to stop the Game. I met up with the producer, Mr. H, and we decided to help each other. Then, Sho Minimiamoto (I still can't pronounce or even spell his last name, so I settle with Sho for the time being.) decided to help destroy the Game, and it was awesome! We created the Noise, which we called Taboo Noise, because they aren't real Noise, but fakers. We killed lotsa players and almost beat the Composer, but it was either that or save Sho. I chose to save my partner instead.

You can't imagine how angry Samus Aran is. She wasn't happy when I reported to the Galatic Federation. It went something like this:

"_____" That's my real name, "YOU FAILED AN EASY MISSION!? OH MY *insert many swear words as you can in here*"

"Yep. But I saved my partner!" I replied, telling my story.

She believed me, but she was still angry that I didn't go by orders.

And as my parental Unit...she grounded me. Well, okay, not exactly grounded, but I can't do missions until Christmas! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?! I might go insane!

...Wait, I already was...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

PI and Happy the Elefant!

GUESS WHAT?! I'M HYPER! Gotta make some sugar for crazy friends who like chocolate. >///<

Anyway, I was hyper today and in Biology, we played a GAME! Anyway, as my friend was watching, he told me that I was on steriods.

No, my friend, THIS is what I would look like on steriods

yep. I will look just like Happy the Elefant.

So anyway, my new charater, Happy, is me on steriods. 



Yeah, you guys. I DID ALL OF THAT! I know the first 500 digets of pi cuz I'm SO smart!

For your info, i didn't even have Dr. Pepper. I had the source of life...

Just pure happiness. 

Yup. This isn't me on a normal day. This is me on a okay day. 

This is me when I get all my chocolates sold.

PLUS! I didn't get busted, so I'm still in business :D

Yup. just random today. :D i don't have any stories today, okay? Sorry.